Xavier Sathaphan


Xavier serves as an audit associate here at Gilbert. He currently specializes in the public sector and non-profit niches. Xavier has his bachelors degree in accounting from Sacramento State. 


Life Away From Gilbert 

"I enjoy traveling and eating new food. My top spots being Laos and Japan. Hobby wise I like to snowboard and skateboard to keep myself fit. Whenever there's a chance I love going to local concerts or markets."

If you could have an endless supply of one item, what would it be and why?

If I had an option for an endless supply of an item I would choose Siracha, before the recipe change. I could easily go through a bottle a week and I can taste the difference in the new recipe.

What is one thing on your bucket list?

Something on my bucket list is to be able to speak in Laos and Viet well enough to hold a conversation. This is because there are so many family members that are funny but I have not gotten to talk directly to due to the language barrier.

What would you do if you did not have to work?

If I did not have to work then I would be traveling and learning other cultures and languages. I feel like the world has a lot to offer and I am always excited to learn something new that I may have not even considered.